June 05, 2007


I didn't sleep well last night. It wasn't because I couldn't sleep. On the contrary, I was very tired. I had no trouble falling asleep... I did so many times last night. It's just that I was awoken many times too. It wasn't because I was sick or uncomfortable. None of my children were sick or frightened or otherwise in need of comfort. I didn't have nightmares, or hear scary noises that kept me awake. It's because Jay was tossing and turning all night. And that is because he was stung by a SCORPION. (shudder) Yikes! I hate scorpions!


  1. They are evil!! My hubs was stung 2x when we lived in the groves -we moved!!! Was he stung in bed? That would be a nightmare! Our spray guy puts down a powder that the lil creatures crawl through, but hate it, so they clean themselves & die! We knew it worked when we found 2 dead at the base of our garage door on the driveway. Dead is good ;) ciao

  2. Oh My!! I hope he's OK! I don't know that I've ever seen a scorpian in real life. I don't hope to either!

  3. Yes- I have been stung before- not fun

    Hey I think our kids are in the same swim lessons with Shelley?


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